6410 South Dante Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637
Phone: 773-324-1020      Fax: 773-359-0506


If you found yourself strolling the halls of the 1924 building in the late 80’s or just beyond, you may have encountered Frank McGehee ’90 hard at work on the newspaper…or maybe honing his competitive skills as a member of the chess team. No Frank in sight? Check out where the Senior Activity Council (SAC) is cultivating new ways to motivate the student body for the upcoming game and the dance to follow. Or could he be lending his creativity to the Carmel Student Union as they contemplate ways to celebrate and honor Black History Month? Click here to read more…
In the time leading up to his graduation from Mount Carmel, Frank McGehee did not miss his opportunity to make meaningful contributions. He was an involved and productive young man on Dante Avenue – investing his time and energies in entities seeking specific skill sets, awareness, growth, and cultivation.

The same could be said of Frank McGehee today. A man of diverse talent and experience, Frank currently works as the Head of Global Customer Relationship Management for TIDAL -- a music-streaming service -- while engaging in the betterment of life in the community he resides in with 
wife, Marie, and their daughter, Madison. As a newly-elected official in Maplewood, New Jersey, Frank brings some of his long-held Carmel values to their East Coast home and the neighbors he lives among. A native of Hyde Park and lover of all things Notre Dame, Frank continues to spread himself thin and to move through life at a brisk pace.

A well-respected marketing strategist specializing in customer segmentation, Frank wove his skills expertly through projects at organizations such as Paltalk, UPromise, and Sallie Mae (to name a few) before landing at TIDAL in July of 2016.

Frank McGehee ’90 perseveres in the ideal of making meaningful contributions.
Frank recently rose to the challenge that Ray Mikulich ’70 set before New York area alum – one that required a different kind of investment in Mount Carmel, similarly important to the investment Frank made as a young man between the years of 1986 and 1990, and enormously important to the young men who stroll the halls on Dante Avenue today. Ray challenged Mount Carmel alum who had settled in the East Coast to commit to the Campaign for Mount Carmel -- and to date has realized great success, netting in excess of $100,000.00 toward that effort. Much like Ray, Frank understands the crucial need to bring the beloved campus into the 21st century for the generations of young men who seek to spread themselves thin in the quest to live with zeal for God, life, and learning and has focused his own commitment in that direction.

Frank McGehee ’90 gets things done.


Living with Zeal for God, for Life, for Learning